Whether you need to give a lecture to a live audience, be interviewed on TV, or give an opening statement or closing argument in the courtroom, the techniques and training from Speech Impact will help you to a new level.
One-on-one training is personalized for the specific needs of business executives, attorneys, doctors, authors, or any professionals who are called on to speak in public.
No need to travel. In the privacy of your home or office, the teacher comes to you via the internet.
The trainer at Speech Impact is Elaine Lewis, an accomplished actress, teacher, TV performer, lecturer and published author. (See Biography)
Guided preparation through Skype can be your secret to successful public speaking. A time saver for busy professionals.
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Training Areas Offered by
Speech Impact
General Public Speaking:
Basic to Advanced
Coaching for a scheduled speech
How to handle interviews:
TV, radio, press
Speech writing
Effective use of visual aids:
Power Point, models, charts, boards
Dealing with fear of speaking in public